About Shayne Hanks



Posts by Shayne Hanks:

What is a sports psychologist?

When people ask “What is a sports psychologist?” I’m sometimes tempted to list off the various more common reasons one might seek a sport psychologist, or the many potential benefits of working with a sport psychologist. Yet I’ve found that ‘what’ a sports psychologist is or does is largely determined by each individual’s specific goals(…)


How much of your thinking is negative?

After more than 10 years of practicing sport psychology and working with athletes and performers of all abilities I still get surprised by the sheer volume of negative thinking that occurs in the minds of many of those that I see. For many people, it seems that negative thinking is the default setting. Even worse(…)


Hello and welcome

Welcome to the first Performance Boost blog. I will be regularly providing blogs outlining my thoughts on topics of interest as they relate to sport, exercise, and the psychology of weight loss. If you have any suggestions for blogs, please let me know. Cheers Shayne
